No-bake Cheesecake Samplers


I’m a SECRET fan of Cheesecake. Yes, I am! Just a secret fan because I don’t dare to eat cheesecake much. You know the reason why, right 😀 But sometimes in life, you have to loose control a little bit and follow your…cravings, and I did. However, I make myself less guilty eating cheesecake by making lighter cheesecake with 1/3 less fat cream cheese (the fat free cream cheese is suck! Really!) and part skim ricotta cheese. :flirt: …

I also make my cheesecake more interesting to eat by adding different flavors on top. I used 3 flavors: Chocolate, Green Tea, and Strawberry (I should add apricot next time though). In commercial supermarket, they are able to produce multiple cheesecake with one flavor for each cake, then cut and mix-match with the others to create a cheesecake sampler with multiple flavors, design and flavors.

I couldn’t bake multiple cheesecakes at home. The only thing I came up at the time I make it is to divide the cake surface and decorate differently with various swirl flavors. I divided the surface of the cheesecake into 8 parts first, using chocolate ganache to pipe lines. Then I made different swirl color and texture on each part 😛

So here is the recipe for my no-bake cheesecake:
100g Butter – Melted
200g Oreo Cookies – crumbed

250g Philadelphia Cream Cheese (1/3 less fat), cool to room temperature
250g part Skim Ricotta Cheese (or Mascarpone Cheese, whichever you prefer), room temperature
6 tablespoons powder Sugar
2 tbsp Lemon juice
1 tbsp Gelatine
200gm heavy cream, lightly whipped
To create different flavor, you will need: 2 to 3 Strawberries – puree, chocolate ganache (which is basically same amount of cream and dark chocolate, plus 1 to 2 tablespoon of butter, melted together in a sauce pan), 1 teaspoon of green tea powder

Combine Oreo crumbs with melted butter and stuff into the base of a 8″ loose based cake pan and chill for 30 mins.
Dissolve gelatine in lemon juice over hot water bath.
Beat cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Add gelatine mixture, beat until well combined.
Fold in Ricotta cheese (or Mascarpone cheese) and whipped cream and pour the final cream cheese mixture over prepared based. Reserve about 3 teaspoons of that mixture for decorating. Mix each flavor with 1 teaspoon of cream cheese mixture. Then swirl on top of the cake. Chill till set.

So here is the whole cheesecake before cut. I was unable to take good picture of it though 😦

Also I love to eat the base too, so I make more base than usual cheesecake and the base cover up to the top. Look pretty much like a pie huh 😛

Yay!!! My “No-bake Cheesecake Samplers” photo is selected and posted on under code #152626. Such a surprise because I think I didn’t do a good photography job on this though. This tiny achievement really make my day :flirt: Here is the link to see my photo on foodgawker (You can check out other photos of mine here too):
Love you even more, Cheesecake!

8 thoughts on “No-bake Cheesecake Samplers

  1. Originally posted by sophiachan:

    vào đây cứ tưởng là lạc vào 1 bakery shop của 1 thợ bánh nổi tiếng nào đó chứ….

    Hihi… Em cam on chi! Nhung chac khoang vai nam nua thi moi duoc chu gio chi la vao nham bep cua mot amateur baker thoi chi ui 😛

  2. Originally posted by anonymous:

    muffinka writes:Can I give 500g mascarpone instead cream cheese and ricotta?

    Yes you can! The reason I used two different types of cheese is to create a more complex texture that we can feel when eating the cake 🙂

  3. 😀 Trang cung hay la ca tren may food blog va ngam nghia roi lai tuc nhu Ngan vi ko duoc nem. Gio co nguoi cung dong canh ngo minh roi 😀

  4. Originally posted by trangskitchen:

    😀 Trang cung hay la ca tren may food blog va ngam nghia roi lai tuc nhu Ngan vi ko duoc nem. Gio co nguoi cung dong canh ngo minh roi 😀

    Hi hi, được ăn ngó rồi lại " tức " vì ko được ăn thật Trang nhỉ?

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